I speak often of Dave, whom I’ve worked with since Jan. 1 and who has lost 75 lbs. the right way. He has been putting the Slight Edge into effect – small, consistent, daily actions repeated consistently over time that equal big results.

He’s playing the long game, not focusing on the little blips in the radar (challenges/obstacles), rather focusing on the mission…getting healthy.

I also train another person, J-rod. J-rod is a junior in high school, basketball player, and came to me with about as much self-confidence as a shy, small/medium-build high school kid could have. Not much.

Yesterday marked our one year anniversary training together. To say we’ve formed a coach/athlete bond is a giant understatement. I’m J-rod’s friend/asset forever. He has shown me hard work, and I will go out on a limb to help him however I can. That’s a direct result of the day in/day out consistent hard work that J-rod has committed to.

He is playing the long game, putting in the work on a daily basis and going beyond what he thought he was capable of. ALWAYS knowing what he wants to accomplish and never losing focus of it. Making an impact on others simply because he does what he does. J-rod didn’t set out with a mission to impress me, he simply committed to working hard.

Inevitably, when you play the long game, people will probably notice, but that’s not why you do it. The only person that matters is YOU. Only two people know how hard J-rod trains, me and him. I was like a proud poppa yesterday as I watched him reach his new maxes, and he was as proud as a peacock knowing what he had accomplished. THAT is success, and it happens on the inside.

Moral of the story – play the long game. Stay focused.
