Because my job is to read and share books, and yours most likely isn’t, the quantity of awesome books I put out can be overwhelming. So I’ve put together an awesome resource for you below in order to help you follow along and find your ideal books. My goal is to help you improve your life in the specific areas you want, so click and browse what appeals to you most.
Once you click on the cover image, you’ll see my quick notes on the book, as well as links to every podcast episode I created about the book. That way, you can get a taste for what you’ll learn and see if the book is right for you.
Purchasing your books by way of this page helps support my mission, so thank you! And don’t forget to subscribe to The Spaniard Show to get all the gold from all of these books!
*We are in the process of updating each book on my reading list to this new format. Please bear with us as we update each book’s entry on this page.
And of course…DRIVEN: My Unlikely Journey from Classroom to Cage!