Deep down, what drives you?

For as long as I can remember, I’ve always been driven to accomplish something great. This sense of drive has never left me, and it has taken me all over the world.

State champion, All-American, Summa Cum Laude, UFC Champion – these are some of the major goals I’ve set for myself. They are my WHY.

Your WHY is what gets you up in the morning when everyone else is sleeping. Your WHY is what makes you go to the gym after making dinner and putting your kids to bed. Your WHY is what keeps you to your budget because you know that putting your money into your Roth is more important than a new pair of jeans.

The greatest, most successful people on the planet are laser focused in on their WHY. Dig deep into “el fondo” (your gut) and find it.

What’s my WHY? To live a life of inspiration, create a legacy my daughter will be proud of, and impact kids in a positive way. That’s why I do what I do.

Make it a great week amigos!

And please remember (if you’re not already) to follow me on my social platforms and sign up to my mailing list:

Facebook – Charlie “The Spaniard” Brenneman
Instagram – MMASpaniard
Twitter – @SpaniardMMA
Snapchat – SpaniardMMA