In the sport of wrestling, when you are not a state champion, you are not a state champion FOREVER, when you are not an all-american, you are not an all-american FOREVER. When that moment is over, there is no getting it back. You will NEVER have an opportunity to reach those goals again. That is an extremely tough pill to swallow, especially as an 18-22 year old kid. BUT, what those experiences do teach you is humility, perseverance, and the will to forge ahead. Sports are a microcosm of life. Ups and downs, emotional highs and lows. And for the vast majority, there will be more downs than ups, for only one person can win, or be the best.
True success in life comes at the end, when you look back on what you have done, who you have effected, and the legacy you leave behind.
Now, I gotta go, there’s work to be done…
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