I’ve been teaching a 6-week course at PSU Harrisburg since February. The entire course was up to me to design. I looked at my curriculum (Elements of Excellence) and formulated the course based on what I thought would serve these college kids best. As I continue to teach and evolve the course, perhaps the concept that keeps showing through the most is self-awareness. I’m realizing my mission is to create a self-awareness in young people that didn’t previously exist.
This past session was spent discussing and exploring habits and accountability, and while the course is designed for college students, the content is universal. How often do our habits and accountability play a major role in our professional and personal lives? Answer: VERY OFTEN.
In our finances? Check. In our relationships or marriages? Check. In our health? Check. In our jobs? Check.
Our habits and accountability play a role in our daily lives more often than most of us even realize. Habits are the things we do without thinking, and living an accountable life means owning your actions and words.
How much TV do you watch? Do you gossip? Do you leave dirty dishes in the sink? Do you text incessantly?
Or do you say…
“Eating healthy is way too expensive. There’s no way we can do it. We’re not rich.” “I’m so exhausted; I just can’t work out.” “My boss is such a jerk. I know for a fact I did it correctly, and now he wants it another way.”?
I’m not proposing that we be perfect. I am not perfect. My wife and siblings will tell you that. I am simply proposing that we become aware of our habits and our accountability and continually strive to improve them.
When I’m irritable toward my wife, I now acknowledge and make a note of it. When I drink soda, I am aware of how much. When I allow my attitude to negatively effect others around me, I can’t help but realize it and do my best to change it.
I’m excited at the prospect of living my life in such a way that when my time on Earth is done, I will have spent a lifetime improving my faults.
Take note of your habits and accountability. I challenge you, for the next week, to not complain, blame or make an excuse. Can you do it?
I’d be interested in the program. Let me know the details. Thanks