The power of self-belief is the most valuable asset that any person can have, athlete or otherwise. “Whether you tell yourself you can, or you can’t, you’re right.”

I saw my self-belief/lack thereof lead me right down the competitive drain at certain points in my wrestling career, and, conversely, I saw it shoot me to the top in my professional fighting career.

Looking back, I never lost a fight because of my mind. I always believed, 100% that I was going to win (yes, even when I fought Rumble Johnson!). For that, I’m OK with those losses.

Your self-belief will do the exact same thing to you – lead you up, or lead you down.

A year ago, a follower of mine from back home (Hollidaysburg, PA) reached out to me and said he was following my work, namely the workshop series I did with PSU Harrisburg. He asked if I had thought about doing that workshop for regular people like him, your everyday grinder who is interested in bettering themselves. The answer was “no”, I hadn’t. “BUT”, I said, “I certainly could.”

That interaction set me on the path to where I am today and is at the core of the AMX Fight Club, a place where everyday grinders gather to share encouragement, insight, camaraderie and inspiration.

But, the AMX Fight Club is not for every, everyday person. There is one thing that Byron, and all of us, embody, and that is the desire for more out of ourselves and our lives.

We FIGHT for what we want.

Byron has become a close friend and asset in my life. He runs a small business in Hollidaysburg, PA, Byron Smail Landscape Contracting and is the epitome of what self-belief can do for you. He has his challenges, as does every one of us, but he is committed to putting in the work and fighting the urge to take the easy route. He expects excellence out of Byron Smail the person and Byron Smail the business.

You should, too.

Consider joining us in the Fight Club. We aren’t fighting in the cage, rather, we are fighting mediocrity.

I look forward to sharing more examples of “fighters.” Will you be next?

Carpe Diem. Fight Well!
