
This is Your Mind on Plants


By Michael Pollan My quick notes: It’s been an adventure learning about psychedelics and plant medicines, and Michael Pollan has been instrumental in that learning process. This is an entertaining, informative and enlightening read. I encourage you to open your mind and learn about something that’s becoming less and less taboo. View on Amazon [...]

The Wisdom of the Shamans


By Don Jose Ruiz My quick notes: I really enjoy diving into this topic, away from the hard and concrete/right in front of us world, to the extension of thought and belief world. We can learn a lot from the past, as well as others. I’ve applied many of these thoughts and practices to [...]

On Killing


By Lt. Col. Dave Grossman My quick notes: This is one of the most insightful books I’ve ever read. Fascinating. Dark subject matter, but well worth your time to read and learn from. So good. View on Amazon Podcasts Listen to The Spaniard's Podcasts on This Book [...]

Beyond Order


By Jordan Peterson My quick notes: Jordan Peterson makes me think. And I like to think. His last book, “12 Rules for Life”, stretched me to my limit when it comes to mental capacity. I used every ounce of mental energy to read and understand it, and I’m glad I did. So I had [...]

The Mastery of Self


By Don Miguel Ruiz Jr. My quick notes: Love this book. It’s built on ancient Toltec wisdom and is spiritual in nature. For anyone looking to improve their inner dialogue and workings, this is a great place to start (or continue). I wish I could read it over for the first time. I finished [...]

Talking to Strangers


By Malcolm Gladwell My quick notes: I love the study of people. How and why we act certain ways has become more and more a fascination in my life in recent years. This book helps explain how and why we interact with other people in the ways we do. The world isn’t getting any [...]

Never Broken


By Jewel My quick notes: Jewel’s music brings me back to my younger years. I’ve always listened to her music when it was on but was never a diehard fan. Her music makes me feel good. And this book is a deep dive into Jewel’s life. It brings to life her music and gets [...]

The Madness of Crowds


By Douglas Murray My quick notes: I’m becoming more and more interested in understanding what drives people’s behaviors and beliefs. I had heard Douglas Murray’s name and book mentioned on several podcasts and decided to dive in. In a very educational read, he takes a look at some of this country’s most divisive issues [...]



By Matthew McConaughey My quick notes: Holy cow, this was a fun one. Like nearly everyone, I know Matthew McConaughey’s on screen persona to be calm, cool and bold. What I didn’t know was how his upbringing, self-belief, determination, conviction and self-discovery helped turn him into the man and entertainer he is today. This [...]

Rules for a Knight


By Ethan Hawke My quick notes: What a great little book. Philosophical and adventurous, the stories are enjoyable to read and packed with lessons on living well. Told from the perspective of a father prior to going off to battle, it serves as a farewell and guide to his children. Small and well constructed, [...]

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