


By Adam Alter My quick notes: There’s a reason you’re addicted to your phone. You’re not weak. It was built that way. This book takes a look at our addictive behaviors and examines their causes. I covered it during the first week of 2021 as New Year’s resolutions are a-plenty. If you’re someone looking [...]

Digital Minimalism


By Cal Newport Categories: Performance/Effectiveness, Media/Technology My quick notes: I'd have to say this is one of the most impactful books I've ever read. I picked it up during the Coronavirus at-home quarantine because of the increased angst and anxiety I was feeling. I had determined that my social media usage was a large [...]



By Pat Flynn My quick notes: This is another book I read to help me grow and evolve my business during COVID. Pat is a master at building a following online, and I wanted to learn from him. This book helped me to reinforce and re-arrange my processes to help grow my business. View [...]


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