Still Alive – Forrest Galante

2022-03-27T03:31:57-04:00By Danny Trejo My quick notes: An awesome bio. I’m not sure there’s much more to say. Read it! PS I bet you know him, even if you think you don’t. View on Amazon Podcasts Listen to The Spaniard's Podcasts on This Book [...]

This is Water
2022-03-27T03:42:45-04:00By David Foster Wallace My quick notes: Short and sweet. I was in search of an easy-to-read, thought-provoking, inspirational read. This book nailed it. A commencement speech turned into a book. View on Amazon Podcasts Listen to The Spaniard's Podcasts on This Book [...]

Being Mortal
2022-03-27T12:04:48-04:00By Atul Gawande My quick notes: I was in the middle of a COVID conversation with my neighbor when she suggested I read Being Mortal. My neighbor is a nurse, and we were talking about the fact that people are dying alone more than ever without the love and company of family and friends [...]

Three Wise Men
2022-03-27T12:11:38-04:00By Beau Wise My quick notes: Friend and former guest on the show, Frank Luna, recommended this book, and I’m glad he did. Author Beau Wise tells the story of his life which includes losing two brothers while in the military. It’s heartbreaking and inspiring. There were times in the book that I had [...]

Never Broken
2022-03-27T12:21:48-04:00By Jewel My quick notes: Jewel’s music brings me back to my younger years. I’ve always listened to her music when it was on but was never a diehard fan. Her music makes me feel good. And this book is a deep dive into Jewel’s life. It brings to life her music and gets [...]

Someday You’ll Know
2022-03-27T12:39:30-04:00By Keith Eldred My quick notes: AKA Dread (my partner in crime) published an astounding 20 books in 2020 as part of his This is Red (thisis.red) project. This is one of them. Alongside publishing the books, Dread and his wife Janet are on a mission to raise $1 million for their local library. [...]

The Gift of Failure
2022-03-27T12:45:01-04:00By Jessica Lahey My quick notes: What an unexpected surprise (and interview) this was. Unexpected because I didn’t have this book on my radar, rather it was recommended by a friend. In her book perfectly fit for parents, coaches and educators, Jessica lays out the dangers of overparenting. Failure and setbacks are not our [...]