
How I Built This


By Guy Raz My quick notes: I listen to Guy’s (same-named) podcast off and on. I enjoy listening to stories of success - the ups, downs and in-betweens. This book reads like the podcast listens. He speaks in a very friendly, experienced voice and include many business lessons that are applicable to everyday life. [...]

A World Without Email


By Cal Newport My quick notes: It had me at the title. Oh, what a world it would be! As my business operations have evolved, so has my quantity of email. I almost feel like I was one of the lucky ones who never really had an abundance of inbox chatter; that has changed. [...]

Deep Work


By Cal Newport My quick notes: I’ve become a big fan of Cal Newport’s books. It’s his simple, clean and clear manner in which he attacks his work that drew me in. But as important as that work philosophy is, it’s how that philosophy lends itself to cleaning up other areas of your life that [...]

Someday You’ll Know


By Keith Eldred My quick notes: AKA Dread (my partner in crime) published an astounding 20 books in 2020 as part of his This is Red ( project. This is one of them. Alongside publishing the books, Dread and his wife Janet are on a mission to raise $1 million for their local library. [...]



By Scott Harrison My quick notes: I was in the mood for an inspirational, positive, uplighting book and Thirst hit the mark. Scott Harrison was a 28-year-old nightclub promoter in NYC when he had an epiphany. He decided to change the trajectory of his life and dedicate himself to helping others. Since that time, [...]

The Greatest Salesman in the World


By Og Mandino My quick notes: I was given this book a few years ago by past guest Brandon Steiner. He said it was one of his favorite books (and this coming from a very successful businessman), so I was tuned into it. I read a page or two back then, but never went [...]

Building a StoryBrand


By Donald Miller My quick notes: This book is more business-centric than most books I read, but it came to me at the right time. COVID had just hit us, and I needed to learn how to evolve and grow my business. Storybrand helped me during that process. And it's not only related to [...]



By Pat Flynn My quick notes: This is another book I read to help me grow and evolve my business during COVID. Pat is a master at building a following online, and I wanted to learn from him. This book helped me to reinforce and re-arrange my processes to help grow my business. View [...]

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